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♥Je t'aime♥

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♥Wednesday, March 26, 2014♥

First post of the year.
It have been a long time that I got such a free time to blog.
There is alot of wonderful things that happened for this past few months.
Firstly, I got attached to this wonderful boy below.
This relationship was really unexpected.
I never expected myself to be in love with this quiet and yet annoying guy.
I must also thank someone who made me realizes how stupid am I and made me realize that there is actually someone who always care for me.
Thank you "boyfriends"
Thank you love too.
Next, my very first time renting a car but it turn out to an unpleasant one.
I spend almost $400 just for one day.
Just because I was super unlucky and the Tyre have to give way. 
We will all stuck in the middle of highway towards ECP(Changi) as I am sending my love of to phuket.
As we are waiting for the car to be fixed.
We took photo in the middle of the highway.
At the end, we still manage to reach airport in time.
However, I don't think that I will ever rent car again. Unless it is really needed.
Very bad experience.
Doll up myself day.
It's Dinner and Dance for graduation.
Yes, I am officially graduated from Polytechnic.
Graduation Trip: Krabi
I have been to so many trip in the past years but this trip is different.
There is a lot of my first time there.
My first time rafting, snorkeling, playing paintball, driving go kart, elephant riding, riding ATV and many more.  

The picture above is me at the top of the mountain after climbing 1237 steps.
It wasn't as tiring but the journey with the groups of lecture mates was fun.
It's just a few photo.
Night cycling and roller skating with boyf.
Our phone sticker.I just find it so cute and true. Hahaha.
I am ALWAYS right.

♥We Are Lost & Found ♥, But love is gonna save us.
@ 10:52 AM

♥Sunday, September 29, 2013♥

This girl above have finally turn 20.
She hit the 2 and not 1 anymore.
Nevertheless she is always and forever young at heart, =P
Actually I don't know what should I post about, 
so I am just going to post up photos and talk about it I guess.Which mostly about my 20th B'day. 
This year was just another year.
 Nth much happen just a few surprises by my friends.I don't expect much too. 
But it is good enough.
I am happy and glad to have this bunch of friends.
The friends that will always be there for me.
Firstly, Just a few pic of my cakes and I.

ICE CREAM CAKE!!!! I bought myself.

Cake at Malaysia. 
From: Faruq and friends.

From: Terence 

The other two cakes are from food fair that I bought for myself.

My first present!!!!
From: Jahan and Fabian

My girlfriends!!!!!
Thanks for the "surprise" that you all trying to give me.
Although it somehow fail.
I actually know that you all coming but I act that I didn't know.
I didn't want to disappoint you all but I STILL LOVE YOU ALL. 
Thanks for being there for my when I needed.
Although, we might not meet up as often but I will always and forever rmb all of you. 
Be it 10 years or 20 years down the road. We will still contact with one another okay. 
I just don't know how to express my feelings to you all but you all are the friends that I will nv even let go. 
Hope to meet all of you soon, :)

 Present from Girlfriends.
The first 3 perfume are from them.

From: Girlfriends

From: Honry Vanny.
Thank you so much for this soft toy.

Next Group of friends.
My "boyfriends"
They are the guy group of friends from my sec school. 
The girlfriends are my girl group of friends from my sec school. 
Sorry I don't have a group photo. 
Anyway, the photo above are all the virgo's.
They are a group of annoying, irritating but yet entertaining group of friends.
They are also a group of friends that I will always play bball with. 
I might not be very close to them but I treat all of them as my brothers.
The group of friends that will always randomly go out and slack.
However, I enjoy the time being with them.
I can just be myself around them.
They may be straight forward but some things they say are actually good advice. 

Next, the 19th EXCO.
It is just interesting how bonded we are. 
We actually open up to each other quite well.
Bonded quite well too.
Hopefully we will still be in contact after all of us graduate. 
<3 p="">

From: The 19th EXCO

Anyway, there are still alot of other groups but it just too much to type. I will just name it.
YALAM group
Veggie group
OBT group
D'camp group
Venture group

Not forgetting:
My La Mei(Jenny)

Okay. Just a few more pics.

After so long I finally cut my hair.
It's like a birthday present for myself. :)

At ruby wedding dinner.
Just find it classy.

Sanjay and I trying out taking selfie using Polaroid. 
It turn out quite nice.
I like it. :)

Loving my short hair.
<3 p="">
CPTC days ending soon.

I will like to end of my post with this 3D sterogram above.
I find it so damn cool.
If you will to focus and all you will be able to see 3 monkey.
I am so amaze by it. 
Okay. That's all I will share about I guess. 

HUIXIAN, signing off.

♥We Are Lost & Found ♥, But love is gonna save us.
@ 11:40 PM

♥Wednesday, August 7, 2013♥

In a blink, a few months pass again. 
Very soon, I will be going to be 20. In just a month time. 
Very soon, I will be going to CPTC for training.
Very soon, I will be going to graduate from Nanyang Poly. 
I can't wait to graduated. However, I will surely miss me friends.
Miss my a-team mates.
Once I graduate there will be new doors open for me. However, I dont know where to go. 
I have no idea what to do. 
Should I continue to study? Go NS? or work? 
I really have no idea what to do now. 
In less than a year I will graduate and I really have to make a choice in the three option above. 
Really got to think about it. 
Other then that. 
I guess my life is really screwed up. 
Actually not really is only my relationship. 
I hate being in a relationship but at the same time I am not. 
It is just too complicated.
Below are two of my friends who I loved. However, our friendship is a little awkward at times.   
This guy above is just always there when I needed. 
He never failed to care about me. 
Sweet loving guy. 
I am sorry that I can't commit. 
Thanks for all your love this years.
I do miss the times when we are together.
I do miss you too. :)
I know that you deserve someone much better then me.
Study hard for poly okay. 
See you around.

This irritating guy above is just irritating. 
I love him yet I hate him too. 
I guess he is the one who change my life.
He may be be nice at times but sometimes he is just annoying.
It is just so weird that we still can be friends after everything.
Although the time we spend together was short but I hope the memories are kept.  
I do not know the reason why you left but I really do miss you at times.
Hope that you will find someone you truly love okay. BOTAK.
Enjoy your 2 years of NS okay and be less annoying.

♥We Are Lost & Found ♥, But love is gonna save us.
@ 3:46 AM

♥Sunday, March 24, 2013♥

Back to blog. 
Few months pass and things change. 
People change.
This few month things have not been going the way I wanted. 
A lot of things is not what I expected and I regret doing some of the stuff. 
If time will to go back things will be different. 
I will not have choose the same thing which is making me suffer now. 
Have been waiting and waiting but things have not been turning out the way it suppose to be. 
Sometimes I do wonder why do I wait? Sometimes I really feel like giving up this relationship.
I am really at the urge of giving up and I am serious but the friends around me kept on asking me to hold on, asking me to wait. 
Yes. I tried my best to understand you from your point of view but I was wondering did you step into my shoe and try to understand how I feel? 
Some of my friends ask me to just shoot him off and be firm but seems like I always give in to him. I don't know why? Perhaps I just can't do that. 
All I can do is just to wait. I don't know what he want and I don't know will I be able to wait. 
Sometimes I really have been thinking to let go and let him go back to his ex and perhaps I should move on to someone who have been always there for me. He seems to be happy with her which make me more like giving up.
I was thinking what if in the end he go back to her and I have waste my time and effort on him. 
I really don't know but I have been trying to avoid thinking about it and trying to enjoy myself but sometimes is just really hard. Seeing my friends so loving and sweet, I will always start to think why does it not happen to me and I will always think about him and miss him. 
I don't know how will things be but I will try to enjoy myself like how I enjoy my trips to Taiwan. 
Being busy is the best way to make me not to think about it. 
I have been in Taiwan for the past 3 weeks and I will say that I have learn alot during the first 2 weeks. The 3rd week was kind of bored for me. We went to sightseeing places which is so damn boring. 
However, overall I enjoyed myself. Manage to make some new friends and all. 
There is still about 3 more weeks to the start of my 3rd year of poly. Hope that I will enjoy my last 3 weeks. 

Signing off,

♥We Are Lost & Found ♥, But love is gonna save us.
@ 8:34 PM

♥Saturday, January 12, 2013♥

It's mid if January already.
It's so fast. It feels like it was new year ytd.
I got to start studying for real. Can't afford to fail any modules this semester and I don't want too.
I am aiming for at least 3.2. So I can put up my GPA. So aiming for A's and B's, maybe one C. Can't afford to get a D. Really hope that I can do it man. Haiz. Maybe 3.2 is too high, how about a 3 I think is good enough. But hoping to get more A's which I think is impossible.
Just hoping for the best.

Anyway, have to be up early cause have to attend some seminar going on in the scout HQ. Just going there to show face.
After that not sure should I go to school for rehearsal or should I head home?? Will see how late I guess. Or meet the guys that is so into me.

Recently, have been contacting with this guy and I start to find him a little annoying. However, I don't know how to stop a covo with him. In additions, I am just finding someone to text with and he have been the one that kept texting me. So ya. I hope he doesn't get the wrong idea but I think he is. Haiz. I just always meet weird guys and I don't know why?? What's happening man. Seriously.

Okay anyways, I am still trying not to think too much. I miss him and yet I can't contact him. I am just too afraid to do so. Afraid that I might disturb him. Haiz. I really don't know what to do. All I can do is just miss him and keep waiting.
I don't know how long can this last but I am still holding on to it till this point.

Hoping for the best in everything.

Okay. I got to go.
Good bye.

♥We Are Lost & Found ♥, But love is gonna save us.
@ 8:34 AM


First week of school ended. Got to know my results for common test.
I was pretty much upset with my results.
Didn't do well at all. Out of 3 common test. I failed 2.
I really upset with myself.
I guess I did not work hard enough.
Oh well. Got to see teacher next week.
Shall get over it.

Today I also met someone I have not seen for years.
She was my band mate in secondary and migrated to Australia. She is back for summer holidays.
Got to meet her today and catch up with her. She change a lot and of cos much more pretty than before.
I also got to learn about alot of things about Australia. It's somehow a nice country to live in. A place to get a brand new experience and culture.
Someday I will like to stay there for a few months. Seems pretty interesting. Haha.

It's getting late and got to get up early in the morning. Shall tuck in to my bed now.
Good nights.

♥We Are Lost & Found ♥, But love is gonna save us.
@ 12:48 AM